Easter Weekend with The Shattock’s


Saturday Family Time

Easter weekend is easily my favourite time of the year! It is a day of hope, life, and of course rejoicing all around! It’s the day our savior rose from the grave and concurred death! WOW! What’s not to celebrate about that.

I have been challenging myself lately to pull out my camera more often for my own family. As a photographer I can sometimes get in the zone of “I need a break from work” and then my poor family never gets the “photographer” version of Jess. But my goal for this year is to put together a FULL family album of all our favourite memories throughout the year.

So of course, Easter weekend is a big one for us and our family! We decided to get together with Brad’s parents(Kevin and Pauline) for a FEAST on Saturday evening. Kevin and I both LOVE steak and lobster so instead of a typical ham and potatoes Easter feast, we decided to create our own tradition and do a Steak and Lobster Easter feast!

Although Kevin and I enjoyed our feast, you will see all our other family members had to vacate to the living room as they were not so pleased with the “lobster” part of our feast and couldn’t handle it. Next year they made sure to let us know that if we are going to have lobster it belong outside! HA!

One of Brad’s favourite things to do for the boys is to put together their Christmas stocking each year. He goes ALL out and usually plans for months in advance. It’s great and he loves it! However, similar to the way he feels about Christmas stocking, is pretty much how I feel about Easter baskets! I love shopping for fun outdoor Spring activities and all kinds of candy! It brings me so much joy and clearly the kids enjoyed their baskets!

If you know me at all you know how much I love Dollarama and Walmart visits so putting together the boys Easter baskets was the highlight of my week. Instead of traditional baskets, this year I decided to get the boys large sand buckets to hold all their goodies. I’m all about being practical and reusable!

Knowing our family, lovers of games and all things puzzles. Brad decided he would put together a little scavenger hunt of riddles that the boys would have to solve to get to their next clue. This is the first year Grayson’s reading is at a level that he barely even needed our help with the clues. It was so sweet to watch! The way he would help Beau and whisper the clues to him was too cute!

Saturday was such a beautiful day with family! The gorgeous weather finally coming out has finally got me looking forward to being outside more.

Sunday Church Service

After Saturday’s family time together we got up and headed for Victory Church to celebrate Resurrection Sunday! Sunday is always my favourite day of the week but I was extra excited for this Sunday! My relationship with Jesus is so important to me. It’s a HUGE part of who I am and where I am today. If it wasn’t for what Jesus did in my life I don’t even know if I would be here today. Our family spends a lot of time at our church. I love leading worship and bible studies in our home.

It was so such a special celebration and a huge part of our Easter weekend so I wanted to include our Easter Sunday service in this blog post with all of you.

Monday Family Time

Monday Brad had to head back to work but the kids and I got to spend the day snuggling together and catching up on some well needed rest! Once brad got home we all headed to my mom’s house for dinner round 2. She had made a full ham with scalloped potatoes and boy was it yummy! I got to see both of my sisters and my Nana and Papa came out as well.

My 3 beautiful nieces were there too! It is so wonderful that Grayson and Beau have cousins the same sage to grow up with. Days like these are so cherished in our family. I grew up so close with all my cousins. So I know exactly how much these memories of cousin time will mean to these kiddos one day!

I don’t know if it was because I was still in “rest mode” or what but I completely forget my camera at home for this event and I was pretty sad about it.

My brain is still going to need some training and encouragement to keep up on all our family events but I am still SO happy that I was able to get some great shots of the kids this Easter weekend! I hope you also had a beautiful long weekend together with your family and loved ones.

Let me know some fun traditions you have with your family every Easter weekend in the comments!

If you liked this post and want to know more about me, read my most popular post here!

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