‘Tis the season for in home photoshoots! As the weather gets colder, the photoshoots get moved indoors. But how do you prepare for an in home photoshoot that will make your home look magazine worthy? Well, today I am going to share some helpful tips and tricks that will not only help you prepare your home for you next photoshoot, but also put your mind at ease on how simply this prep work will be.

Cleaning and Decluttering
I’m going to cut straight to the reason why most people avoid doing in home photoshoots. And that is the fact that everyone thinks they need to clean every nook and cranny of their home. The truth is… YOU DON’T!! This is the last thing you would be worrying about just before your photoshoot.
Photography is all about perspective. This means that what they don’t see, they don’t know about! I am not shy about moving around furniture and de-cluttering items if I feel they will be a distraction to the background of your images. What people don’t realize when they see stunning images from in home photoshoots is the giant mess that lives behind the photographer.
It is a complete myth that homes should look magazine ready at all times. These are not homes that hold those special families you see in each of those pictures. And realistically I wouldn’t want that for anyone. Home is where memories are made as a family and you can’t make memories without a little mess. I expect your home to feel worthy of the family messes that occur there every single day. 🙂
It’s important to note as well, we will likely only be shooting in the room that has the BEST natural light. Focusing any and all cleaning efforts to those rooms only.

Different types of in home photoshoots
There are so many reasons why you might want to consider an in home photoshoot instead of being outdoors. Obviously the number one reason do have in home sessions is due to cold weather.
The most common in home photoshoots that I do are newborn sessions. This is always one of my favourite types of sessions to do in the comfort of your home. Being able to capture all those first memories of having a sweet little newborn at home brings me so much joy. I remember those first weeks with both my boys when they were newborns and they are some of my fondest memories.
Another type of in home session is actually a couples session! These are becoming so popular and SO fun! These can be more intimate, fun and especially personal style sessions than your typical outdoor photoshoots. I love incorporating some tickle fights, snuggles and of course lots of kisses!
In home family session can be such a blast! Depending on the size of your home and family they can also be one of the more challenging type of in home photoshoots to work with. But of course we always make it work. Your home is where you are raising your kids. It’s where memories are being made every day! So why not have your home be the location for your next family photoshoot!

Props & Activities
Let’s make it fun! I LOVE incorporating props or fun activities to in home sessions because it truly adds a unique spin on each photoshoot as well as creating actual memories together during these activities
Here are some fun activities you may want to add to your in home photoshoot:
- Bake together
- Jump on the couches/bed
- Play twister(or your favourite game)
- Play guitar or instruments together
- Video game challenge
- Play hide and seek

What to wear
As I always say for outdoor sessions, it’s even more important with an in home photoshoot to wear neutral light colours! The reason for this is to limit distractions, colour casting, and heaviness. Since we are limited on natural to begin with, it’s important to wear light neutral colours to ensure we are not adding to the dark heavy areas that may already exist in your home. Wearing bright colours is always a no-no. But in home photoshoots will cause those bright colours to reflect onto yours of your families faces causing yucky skin tones.
It’s also important to think of the style of outfit for your in home photoshoot. Since we are just going to hanging out at home, it would be best to think cozy, relaxed styled outfits instead of formal dress attire. Of course yoga pants and sweats may be a bit to relaxed for professional photos. Consider wearing your favourite blue jeans paired with a cream sweater or cardigan.
I have put together a pinterest board where you can find some style inspiration for your in home photoshoot here.
Since my style of photography is very light, bight and airy. It’s important to choose outfits that reflect that style or your photos may turn out different as an end result. If you have questions or aren’t sure what to wear, I am always available to give suggestions before your photoshoot is needed.

Here are a few things you can do to prepare before your in home photoshoot:
- Locate the rooms with the best natural light. These are usually the rooms with the biggest windows.
- Tidy those rooms only. Declutter and put anyway any little items that you don’t want in the background of your photos. Ex: Pet bowls, dishes, bright coloured items, seasonal decoration, ect…
- Give these rooms a good vacuum/sweep
- Make the beds/fold the blankets
- Turn off all the overhead lights and lamps. Contrary to popular belief that more light is better. Having a mix of natural lighting and indoor lighting can be catastrophic to any in home photoshoot.
- Set aside any additional outfits, props or activities you want to incorporate in your photoshoot.
- Get into your selected outfits. Remember to think cozy, at home vibes!

Is an in home photoshoot right for you?
These type of sessions are not for everyone! I personally love outdoor photoshoots for my family. But I do love being able to capture families in their own element and the personal touch that adds to each session.
- Consider your kids
A friend of mine has a son with autism. He absolutely thrives in his natural habitat with his familiar surroundings. An in home session is perfect for him! Consider what might be best for your kids. My boys run all over the house and would be impossible to keep calm indoors. This is why it is important to consider your own kids and what might work best for them.
- Adding personal touches
Being able to add a personal touch such as baking together, playing your favourite games or incorporating things you do everyday as a family is always easiest in your own home.
- What look and feel do you want for your photos
I love the outdoors! Which is why when I hang up my family photos on my wall, I like them to be in nature. This is a personal preference that only you can make.
- Try something different
If you have never tried an in home photoshoot, maybe your next photoshoot should be in home! It’s a great way to mix things up from your regular annual photoshoot routine and it may even be your new favourite thing!
If you are interest in scheduling an in home photoshoot, I would LOVE to hear from you! Remember that my schedule books several weeks in advance so it’s best to reach out sooner and get your desired date on the calendar sooner rather than later.
Let’s get your in home photoshoot booked here!
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